January’s Movies & $ for charity

A good movie month!

Now it’s your turn.  Add your 5 words (or less!) to mine and earn $1 for charity.  Once we get to $100 the person with the most reviews will choose the charity.  Click here to see the past winners, the charities they chose and the other reviews you can add to.  Anyone is welcome to join in at any time.

I hope that you will take a few minutes to participate when you can each month.  It’s fun for me and for everyone else who reads it.  I’m not looking for a critical review, just a few words about how you felt about the movie.  This is ongoing so you can leave your 5 words anytime.

We’re up to $65!

PK Theatrical Poster.jpgPK, 2014 (Cast-Aamir Khan, Anushka Sharma, Sushant Singh Rajput, Boman Irani    Grade A

God is hard to find.

Selma poster.jpgSelma, 2014 (Cast-David Oyelowo, Tom Wilkinson, Carmen Ejogo, Tim Roth, Oprah Winfrey, Common)   Grade A

Calculating MLK brings real change.

Chris Kyle is wearing desert fatigues army outfit, his wife Taya embraces him. They are standing in front of a tattered US flag.American Sniper, 2014 (Cast-Bradley Cooper, Sienna Miller)     Grade B

Soldiers fight for each other.

Sniper married tours of duty.   (Sheree)


Hyde park on hudson poster.jpgHyde Park on Hudson, 2012 (Cast-Bill Murray, Laura Linney)   Grade C+

Why so many women Frank?


BadWords2014.jpgBad Words, 2013 (Cast-Jason Bateman, Kathryn Hahn, Rohan Chand, Allison Janney, Philip Baker Hall)      Grade C-

Harassing kids is never cool.


Waiting-poster.jpgWaiting, 2005 (Cast-Ryan Reynolds, Justin Long, Anna Faris)       Grade C-

Still waiting…for more laughs.

12 thoughts on “January’s Movies & $ for charity

  1. Teddyree says:

    The only one I’ve seen is American Sniper but Selma is on my must-watch list.
    American Sniper … sniper married tours of duty

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