Guess who is 7 years old today? with a giveaway!

If you guessed Stacy’s Books – you win!!  Hard to believe the difference between 2008 and today.  This time in 2008 Jason and I were planning our first overseas trip to beautiful Italy and today I drove my 4-year-old to school at 7:40 am in 6 degrees wind chill temperatures.  Seven years ago I would have holed up in the house in my jammies with a good book (after I’d woken up around 9am, of course)!

My reading and blogging time is limited these days, but I still love it.  I know my blog needs a major facelift and I wish I had more time to visit my blogger friends, but I choose not to stress out over it. If the blog causes stress then it’s not fun and there have been a few periods over the years when I’ve considered stopping, but I just can’t.  I get too much out of it.  And most of what I get out of it is the friendship with you who take the time to read and comment.  I can’t believe that I’ve known some of you that long.  Kathy was my first commenter and at the time we were both just starting out.  I couldn’t ask for a better first blog friend 🙂

I chose two pictures from each year I’ve been blogging and I want you to vote for one year to use as my profile pictures.  If you vote you’ll be entered to win a $20 Barnes & Noble gift card.  Interesting how you can see how my life has changed over the years just from these pics each year.

I’ll leave voting up for the month. Open internationally.  Any comment with a #1 choice of year will be entered for $20 at Barnes & Noble.

2008This is me enjoying Florence.(Florence, Italy)100_0484(Rome, Italy)


2009ny me on met roof(New York)ki sunset(Lake Erie)


2010(San Francisco)France 094(Versailles, France)


2011(Chagrin Falls)(Northport, Michigan)


2012(Home)(Lakeview Cemetery, Cleveland)


2013IMG_1177(Gage)074(Kelleys Island, Ohio)


2014IMG_4993(Cleveland train show)IMG_5305(postcards from around the world)


Thanks for taking the time to comment 🙂