An award and fun Mommy blog

These past few weeks have been very busy and I’m not sure that’s going to change for a while.  Today is my family baby shower, so I’m on my way home (a few hours south) to celebrate with the women who have known me all my life, lots of them have known me since my Mom’s baby shower!  Anyway, I’m looking forward to the girl time before the men all come out and join us for a barbecue.  A long, good day ahead. 

You all know I am a reader, but I consciously made the decision to not read pregnancy books.  I have the What to Expect book and read it as I progress through the stages, but I know so many friends who have become obsessed with books that tell them how to have the best pregnancy.  I’m all for a great pregnancy, I’ve been following the doctor’s orders (ok, ok, except for the weight part :)) and have felt pretty good.  And the best part for a worrier like me?  By not reading all of the ways that I could ruin the baby before he or she draws a breath or all the things that could go wrong I have had a relatively stress-free pregnancy so far.  I mean women have been doing this for quite a while and somehow the human race has flourished so I think my body knows what to do.

So, I haven’t really been seeking out baby reading yet, but I found Constance Marie’s blog by accident and have fallen in love.  She is an actress, most recently known as George Lopez’s wife on his sitcom.  She has a 15 month old daughter and posts candidly on her difficulties in conceiving to Mom groups to getting your body back.  The post I found most helpful was greening your nursery.  Did you know that all cribs in major department stores come from China and are sprayed with pesticide?  The baby does put that wood in his or mouth!  Anyway, the information is good and her writing style is engaging and full of personality.  If you are pregnant or have a baby I think you’ll love her perspective.  Here’s the link.

On to a non-baby related topic, I want to thank Trisha (Eclectic/Eccentric) for this cheery award.  I’m supposed to write 10 things that make me happy, and then pass the award on to ten other bloggers.  Here goes…

1. Eating for two 2. Books 3. Friends 4. Family 5. Autumn 6. Walks 7. Keeping busy 8. Ohio State football (first game Thursday) 9. My hubby and daddy-to-be 10. Blogger friends who take the time to read my posts, especially the ones I know by name because they leave comments or send sweet emails.

I’m not passing this on to 10 people, but I’ll encourage you all to check out Constance’s blog and see if you find it refreshing too.

March Madness Awards

I’ve been busy watching the NCAA tournament the past few days so I am too busy to read or do anything productive.  Both Ohio State and Michigan State won their first round games last night and will play tomorrow to reach the Sweet Sixteen.

I have received a few awards over the past few months and thought this would be a perfect time to share the love.  And I thought there was no one better to share them with than fellow Buckeye and Spartan fans 🙂

from Amanda at Life & Times of a New Yorker.  Gerber daisies are my favorite flowers, so I am very happy to receive this beautiful award.  I would like to pass this on to a fellow Ohio State book blogger who I met yesterday for coffee 🙂  If you haven’t visited Bonnie at Redlady’s Reading Room you should stop by.

from Alice at Hello, My Name is Alice.  I’m passing this along to loyal commenter and Spartan fan Staci from Life in the Thumb

from Alice at Hello, My Name is Alice.  This is going out to Em at The Many Thoughts of a Reader, who loves both the Buckeyes and the Spartans!

from Natalie at The Book Inn and JoAnn at Lakeside Musing.

A Prolific Blogger is one who is intellectually productive… keeping up an active blog that is filled with enjoyable content.

Although not a Buckeye Kathy at Bermuda Onion is always very supportive of my Bucks and there is no one more productive than she is 🙂

from Alice at Hello, My Name is Alice. 
This one goes out to the ladies who passed these awards on to me.  I love all of your blogs and hope people take the time to visit.

Amanda at Life & Times of a New Yorker

Natalie at The Book Inn

Jo Ann at Lakeside Musing

and I’ll pass it back along to Alice at Hello, My Name is Alice because she deserves it at least twice 🙂

Award Love

I am so behind in acknowledging some of the awesome awards I’ve been given in the last few months.  I am always so happy to receive awards and pass them along to other blogs I love.  Please take the time to visit the great bloggers who passed these awards on to me and the blogs I am sharing them with.

Carol over at Carol’s Notebook  passed along this award to me and I am honored.  Now, the rule is nominate seven other bloggers for this and then tell everybody seven things about yourself. 

I’m passing this on to Bonnie at Redlady’s Reading Room.  She is the first book blogger I’ve had the chance to meet and she is wonderful 🙂

1. I’m a night owl.  2.  This means I don’t like to get up before 9 am.  3. I can do this because I don’t have kids.  4. Or a 9-5 job.  5. I love coffee. 6. Right now I’m addicted to Seattle’s Best Peppermint Mocha Trio.  7. And I’m on my third cup.

Alita at Alita Reads passed along this award to me.  For this award, share 5 things you love to do and pass along to 5 bloggers.

I love to read, walk, eat out, travel, and go to the movies.

I’m passing this along to Molly at The Bumbles.  Molly is so great that she volunteered to read War & Peace with me in February, so look forward to out weekly posts 🙂


Carol over at Carol’s Notebook passed this along to me.

This award is to honor certain bloggers that are kindhearted individuals. They regularly take part in my blog and always leave the sweetest comments. If it wasn’t for them, my site would just be an ordinary book review blog. Their blogs are also amazing and are tastefully done on a daily basis. I thank them and look forward to our growing friendship through the blog world.

I’ll be passing this along to Melody at Melody’s Reading Room.  She often takes the time to comment and I love visiting her blog.  Check her out.


Jenny at Jenny Loves To Read gave this to me.

Here are the rules : Each Superior Scribbler must in turn pass The Award on to 5 most-deserving Bloggy Friends. Each Superior Scribbler must link to the author & the name of the blog from whom he/she has received The Award.  Each Superior Scribbler must display The Award on his/her blog, and link to This Post, which explains The Award.  Each Blogger who wins The Superior Scribbler Award must visit this post and add his/her name to the Mr. Linky List. That way, we’ll be able to keep up-to-date on everyone who receives This Prestigious Honor!  Each Superior Scribbler must post these rules on his/her blog.

I’m passing this along to Jenners at Find Your Next Book Here.  If you haven’t already discovered Jenners in your blog hopping you are missing out!


Thanks for all of the blog love.  I truly appreciate the three ladies who gave me the awards and all of you who take the time to read what I post here almost every day 🙂

Happy 101 & Let’s Be Friends

The rules of this award:
List 10 things that make you happy.
Try and do at least one of them today.
Tag 10 bloggers that brighten your day.
Link back to the person that tagged you.
I received this from Em at The Many Thoughts of a Reader.  Em is a fellow Buckeye fan so you know she must be cool 🙂  This month she leading a book discussion of The Awakening by Kate Chopin.  I read this on college, but plan to read it again this weekend so I can participate.  Why not join us?
Here are my 10 things
1. My husband Jason, cat Scout, and dog Max
2. My family
3. Visiting with friends
4. Books – can’t seem to have too many
5. Games – board games, card games, or even a game of rock, paper, scissors 🙂
6. Italy (I blogged when we were there).  Wouldn’t mind going back often.
7. Leaves and snow
8. Ohio State
9. Going out to eat  – Chinese and Italian are favorites
10. Parties
Okay, I am only going to pass this along to one deserving person and she is Alita.Reads!  I think she writes wonderful reviews and can’t wait to see what makes her happy 🙂
This Let’s Be Friends award comes from Carol at Carol’s Notebook and I really appreciate because I think Carol is so warm and friendly and I’m glad she thinks I’m okay too 🙂  I also love that she reviews board games since I’m always looking for new fun ones.  Thanks, Carol!

Over the Top Award

Carol at Carol’s Notebooks passed this very cool award on to me.  Stop by and say hi to Carol – she’s another Buckeye blogger.

Here are the rules:

Answer the following questions using single word answers. Then pass the award to 5 other people and let them know.

Your cell phone? Purse
Your hair? Curly
Your mother? Friend
Your father? Loved
Your favorite food? Chinese
Your dream last night? Forgotten
Your favorite drink? Caffeinated
Your dream/goal? Write
What room are you in? Office
Your hobby? Reading
Your fear? Airplanes
Where do you want to be in 6 years?  Happy
Where were you last night? Home
Something that you aren’t? Neat
Muffins? Blueberry
Wish list item? Books!
Where did you grow up? Ohio
Last thing you did? Treadmill
What are you wearing? T-shirt
Your TV? Basketball
Your Pets? Adorable
Friends? Appreciated
Your life? Good
Your mood?  Happy
Missing someone? No
Vehicle? Vibe
Something you’re not wearing? Socks
Your favorite store? Bookstore
Your favorite color? Red
When was the last time you laughed? 8-ish
Last time you cried? Commercial
Your best friend? Jason
One place that you go to over and over? Market
Facebook? Yes!
Favorite place to eat? Out

I’m not going to say anymore, but feel free to add your two cents 🙂

I am going to pass this along to-

Bermudaonion’s Weblog

Joyfully Retired

Fleur Fisher Reads

Betty’s Books

Heidenkind’s Hideaway

Audrey & an Award

Many of you know that I like old movies and Audrey Hepburn.  Well, I ‘ve been thinking of challenge for me (and for you if you are  interested) for 2010 featuring the beautiful Audrey.  And then I won a button from Katrina at Bloody Bad and decided to try it out.  There are two I really like and I’d like to know which one you like best.  Please leave a comment and let me know. 


Aren’t they both great?  Thanks, Katrina!  Are you teased enough to check out the challenge next month? 🙂



Christine at booktumbling passed this along to me.  I always enjoy her blog and I greatly appreciate that she thought of me.  It comes with a few questions…

  • Where is your favorite place to read a book?  Our front room when the sun is shining in, our family room cuddled under a blanket or in the hot tub in the middle of the day (for when I’m feeling decadent :)).
  • Bookmarks or dog ears? Bookmarks, but will dog ear if desperate.
  • What is the best book you have read so far this year? The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Alexie, The Hiding Place by Corrie ten Boom, The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd are the 3 I have given 5 stars to this year (I’m stingy).
  • Do you like to snack while reading and if so, what is your favorite snack? Not really a snack.  A glass of wine or a cup of hot tea is nice.
  • Book borrower or book collector?  Both!  I refuse to discriminate against any book 🙂
  • I always hate to choose among so many wonderful blogs, but I do think it’s nice to showcase a favorite blog when I get the chance, so I’m awarding the Ohh La La!  I Adore Your Blog! award to Heather at Gofita’s Pages.  Her blog is fun and fresh and if you haven’t stopped by you should!

    Awards and Holiday Fun

    This was given to me by Melody from Melody’s Reading Corner.  Melody is a fellow Teaser Tuesday participant and in addition to her book reviews I love her photos for Wordless Wednsday.

    I am going to pass along this to alita.reads.  Another Teaser Tuesday friend and I love her book reviews.

    And this comes from Laura from Laura’s Reviews.  I love Laura’s book reviews and if you visit her blog you can still vote for the most romantic character in literature (my guy’s winning).

    I’m passing this along to Staci at Life in the Thumb.  She’s a great commenter and her blog is a daily must for me.  It should be for you too.

    Thanks so much for thinking of me Melody and Laura.  I really appreciate it 🙂

    And now for some fun.  I can’t believe we are a week into November already, but that does mean I need to start thinking about gifts.  And this year I’m going to participate in the Holiday Swap.

    bookbloggerholidayswapI’ll get the name of another book blogger and get to be a Secret Santa.  Some people dislike these silly holiday games, but I LOVE them.  I’m not the best secret keeper when it comes to gifts because if I love it I can’t wait until the person gets it so they can love it too 🙂  But, I will try to keep my enthusiasm in check.  If you would like to participate you have until November 11th to sign up and  you can do it here.  You do need to have a blog to participate.

    Thank you!

    I love when people take the time to pass along an award to me.  I know it’s not an Emmy, an Oscar, or even a BBAW award, but it does mean that I have my own small place in the blogosphere and people like to visit me here.  So, please take a minute and visit the ladies who awarded them to me, they are all awesome and they obviously have good taste 😉

    I only pass along an award if I have not received it before.

    Thanks to  Heather!  If you haven’t checked out Gofita’s Pages you really need  to, like right now.  Too bad you missed Pirate Week, but you can look back and read her posts.

    Here are the rules for this award:

    1. Each Superior Scribbler must in turn pass The Award on to 5 most-deserving Bloggy Friends.
    2. Each Superior Scribbler must link to the author & the name of the blog from whom he/she has received The Award.
    3. Each Superior Scribbler must display The Award on his/her blog, and link to This Post, which explains The Award.
    4. Each Blogger who wins The Superior Scribbler Award must visit this postand add his/her name to the Mr. Linky List. That way, we’ll be able to keep up-to-date on everyone who receives This Prestigious Honor!
    5. Each Superior Scribbler must post these rules on his/her blog.

    I’m passing this one along to Margot at Joyfully Retired

    Heather also passed this on to me… The Splash Award is given to alluring, amusing, bewitching, impressive, and inspiring blogs. When you receive this award, you must:
    – Put the logo on your blog/post.
    – Nominate & link up to 9 blogs which allure, amuse, bewitch, impress or inspire you.
    – Let them know that they have been splashed by commenting on their blog.
    – Remember to link to the person from whom you received your Splash Award.

    I’m awarding this one to Natalie at The Book Inn.


    This Lemonade Award came from  Laura’s Reviews.  I love her blog and you should check her out.


    And thanks to Sassy Brit for this bloody great award!   

    The Bloody Great Blogger award is to be given to 5 bloggers who have been supportive and extra special to you in the blogging process. That person who always comments or the one who emails you to let you know about that Freudian slip you missed, the blogger who links to your posts or lifts you up when your blog is down.
    I’m going to pass this one along to Cee Cee of BookSplurge and Staci of Life in the Thumb.


    And thank you Trisha for this Friendship Bear and Let’s Be Friends awards.

    She has lots of YA reviews and giveaways and is super sweet.

    I’m passing these two award on to Nise at Under the Boardwalk.  Her blog is one I always look forward to reading.

    Awards, Old and New

    I am running very behind in accepting and showing my heartfelt appreciation for a few awards I’ve received over the last month-ish.  I love receiving thoughtful gifts from fellow bloggers and passing them on to other bloggers I love.  These first two awards are new to me.

    Bingo AwardThanks to A Few Minutes With Michael for giving me the Neighborly square and The Book Inn for gifting me the Outstanding square.

    This award means that this blog is:
    B: Beautiful
    I: Informative
    N: Neighborly
    G: Gorgeous
    O: Outstanding

    I’m passing this award on to these deserving bloggers

    Beautiful-Thoughts of Joy

    Informative- Cerebral Girl in a Redneck World

    Neighborly- Bookfan

    Gorgeous- Write Meg!

    Ooutstanding- Wrighty’s Reads







    And thanks to MariReads for this award.  I guess that means I like to leave my voice all over the blogs 😉

    I am passing this along to two of my best commenters, both of who I love touching base with everyday.

    Bermudaonion and Joyfully Retired.


    Thanks to Gofita’s Pages for this Humane Award.  I try to be kindhearted and it’s nice to be recognized.

    The award is for:
    This award is to honor certain bloggers that are kindhearted individuals. They regularly take part in my blog and always leave the sweetest comments. If it wasn’t for them, my site would just be an ordinary book review blog. Their blogs are also amazing and are tastefully done on a daily basis. I thank them and look forward to our growing friendship through the blog world.


    Thanks to the Bumbles for this award.  Sometimes I feel creatively challenged so it is nice to know that I succeed more than fail!

    I’ve already received and passed on these last two awards.  If you aren’t familiar with these bloggers you should really check them out.

    Awards makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside

    Thanks to  Trish for this very sweet award.  She is relatively new to blogging and already proving herself an asset.

    Blogs that receive the Let’s Be Friends Awardare exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and befriends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers. Deliver this award to eight bloggers.
    I’m passing this one along to The Burton Review.  She just got a new look, so check her out.

    Thanks to Jenny for this wonderfully fun award!  She is very sweet.

    Post 7 things you love.
    Give award to 7 other bloggers who are creative.

    I’ve been dieting, so I’m giving you 7 foods that I love that I have eaten very little of lately…

    1. Pizza  2. Chinese food  3. Chocolate  4. Macaroni & Cheese  5. Baked ziti  6. Buffalo chicken wings with blue cheese  7. Cake

     I’m passing along this Kreativ Blogger award to Fleur Fisher Reads.  I love the books I find there.

    imageAnd I received this Lovely award from Betty At Betty’s Books.  She’s just revamped her blog, so take a look.

     I’m passing this along to Iwriteinbooks.  She is a recent discovery and I am loving her book reviews.




    And Heather at Gofita’s Pages passed along this very cool award.  I’ve just found Heather and think she has a very fun blog.

    I’m passing this along to Beth Fish Reads.  She’s a favorite of mine.




    I really appreciate all the love from my fellow bloggers!  Thank you all so much!!