The Making of a Library Book Sale

The real reason I wanted to join the Board of our Friends of the Library was simple. I wanted to get my hands on ALL of the books! Do we raise money to support the library, its programs, and staff? Absolutely. Does my contribution help us raise more money? Yes! I give freely of my time, because I LOVE it. I help with the ongoing sorting by going through donations a few times a week and deciding what goes out in our ongoing sale. We make around $1000 a month from this small ongoing sale.

Twice a year, we throw a big bash and invite all of the books! We store them in many secret places…

We start with the meeting room that’s set up for groups to reserve and have to move tables out and bring 20 big tables in. I draw the map (I tweak it every sale and it gets tweaked further as we start putting books out) and we start by bringing the presorted boxes out to their correct area. We usually have a few loaders and deliverers and the rest start unpacking. After that we bring in the books from the mess of a sorting room and from our ongoing sale. I was there at 4 on Wednesday to start moving tables around and around 8 volunteers came in at 6pm and we worked til the library closed at 9. We were back at it first thing (I took Gage to camp so only had and hour and 45 minutes) with 4 volunteers. They left at 12. I was back at 4 with Gage and it took me about an hour and a half to finish up. At 6 pm 2 volunteers set up the membership table and started the line. We had 6 volunteers for the sale itself that started at 7pm.

We have a board of 15 and every member signs up for a shift and some a few shifts. I’m there for the long haul. I took off only 2 1/2 hours the whole time. I told you I loved the books 🙂 A month and a half before the sale I contact all Friends members who had expressed an interested in helping. There were 7 this time. As a bonus the high school Key Club teacher gave me a list of kids and when they wanted to help. I tried to verify with all 12 of them their times. Even with that only half showed up when they were supposed to. At least half I never even saw!

The sale ran 2 hours for members on Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 9-5, and Sunday from 1-3:30 (bag day). We made over $3100.

On Sunday we allow pre-approved non-profits to come and take several bags of book for their charity. This time around we had 7, our largest turnout yet!

Then from 3:30-5 we tear down the sale by boxing up the books for other libraries. In the past we’ve had one library with very low funding, come and take all of our unsold books to sell at their sale and it was great. They rented a U-Haul and brought a team and took EVERYTHING. They can no longer do this so we had to do some different things with everything we didn’t sell. First, we divvied them up between 5 libraries based on the types of books they requested. We always have one board member who comes and gets all cookbooks to donate to Edwin’s. I am so grateful to her for doing this for such a worthy cause.

So, that leaves us with hundreds of books. This time we decided to put them all out in our ongoing sale area and try to sell them for 25 cents. That will run until Saturday. On Sunday we have a LFL steward who will come and take as much as she wants of what’s left and we’ll, sadly, recycle the rest. Thankfully, our library system recycles them for us if we get them packed up in bins.

You might be asking how many books I came home with. I always buy a bag on bag day and throw things in it as we tear down the sale. I came home 7 books, 2 of them Jason tossed in.

So, there you have it in all of the nitty gritty detail. How different is your library sale? I always love to hear new ideas!

Oh, and as an added bonus, Cindy, from Cindy’s Book Corner came by and we were able to chat a bit. I’m hoping we’ll be able to meet up again soon. Book people are the best people 🙂

This Week – Do Good Deeds

This week Gage had the top part of the Herbst appliance put in and it’s been tough. There is a bar across the top of his mouth that makes talking, eating, and swallowing are a struggle. And there is so much drool and sores on the cheeks. It’s been a week for the little man and he gets the bottom half and connectors in two weeks 😦 *The white coming out of his mouth is nor part of the appliance, just the only pic I took.

The day after he got it ‘installed’ he was especially miserable so instead of school we spent the day doing good deeds like trying to remove graffiti that had been spray painted on trees and rocks at a local park and using the Little Free Library app to find LFLs to drop off books. The app itself wasn’t the best navigator for us, but being able to see where they were was very useful.


I’ve read 7 books, all of them kids! Five non-fiction and two fiction. Here are a few standouts…

The Other Side: Stories of Central American Teen Refugees With Dreams of Crossing the Border by Juan Pablo Villalobos. 160 pages

This is labeled as a teen book, but most stories could be shared with younger kids. So important for kids (and adults) to understand the why of the kids that are coming to America. I liked the individual stories. told in the voices of the children. Want to work on empathy with your kids? This will help them see through another kid’s eyes.

Journey through Ash and Smoke (Ranger in Time series) by Kate Messner. 160 pages

We read a few Iceland books this week, but this one, geared toward ages 5-8, was so well done. It’s our first Ranger in Time book and I was happily surprised at how well Messner incorporated historical facts into the story with additional info and pictures of her visit there.

Full disclosure, I’m not a fan of the Magic Treehouse series 🤷🏻‍♀️ But this series I can get behind! When we did our additional reading, so many of the things she included ended up in our timeline and fact sheet.

Varenka by Bernadette Watts. 32 pages.

This was first published in 1971. It’s a lovely Russian folktale and the illustrations were fabulous.

I’m currently reading a lot of books, too many really but they’re all so good! Stay tuned.

Books read this year- 81


Jason and I both really liked this one. It definitely brought back the 1980s for those of us of a certain age 🙂


A little video of the one fun puzzle we did as a family…here

Plans for today

I’m the coordinator for our library book sale and it starts this Thursday and runs through next Sunday. I love it and will work pretty much the whole time plus Wednesday set up. Today will be spent emailing reminders to volunteers, redesigning our receipts, and getting though all of our signage and seeing what needs fixed and what we’re missing.

What are your plans for the day?

Top Ten Tuesday – Horses, Dogs, Bees, Birds, and an Octopus

Today’s theme for Top Ten Tuesday is books with animals on the cover. These are the first 10 I found on my shelves, both before and after. I snapped a few pics and then the wind had its way with my animal covers.

Books I read and loved

The Falconer by Elaine Clark McCarthy– such an unexpected little love story.

The Inheritance of Orquidea Divina by Zoraida Cordova– magical realism is my jam.

The Siren of Sussex by Mimi Matthews– a fun beginning for this historical romance series.

Anything for You by Kristan Higgins– I adored the Blue Heron series.

Begin with a Bee and 50 Ways to Help Save the Bees– I love me some bees 🐝

Still to be read

Remarkably Bright Creatures by Shelby Van Pelt
When We Were Birds Ayanna Lloyd Banwo
The invincible Miss Cusp by Penny Haw
Once Upon a Wine by Beth Kendrick

This Week – Rest and Relaxation

It was my husband’s birthday this week so I surprised him by whisking him away to a spa and inn for a night. I booked the big suite, reserved him 2 spa treatments, and we ordered room service a few times. We only had one night, but it was perfect (and all we could afford, lol). And, during his 4 hours at the spa, I spent time reading and drinking wine. A win for everyone!

Gage recovered from last week’s bug after a day but it took a few more days for his appetite to come back. He was more than a little excited about seeing the Super Mario Movie today. I even enjoyed it and I’m no Mario fan. This morning he made a game of tic tac toe for our cats for his YouTube channel 🙂


I only posted once this week about March’s movies.

I also tallied the votes from IG and this post and started All the Light We Cannot See.


Broken Girls by Simone St. James.

Broken Girls was such a haunting read that takes place at a creepy boarding school for girls. It has a 1950s storyline and a current day one, both equally good, a rarity. A found body, a missing girl, a dead sister, a corrupt police department, and old prejudices make this one a fast read.

Oh, did I mention the ghost? I’m not into ghost stories, really, but this one was good!

I Will Find You by Harlan Coben.

I’ve read all of Coben’s books and he’s one of my few auto buys. This one was not my favorite because too many over the top things happened right from the get go. And it was too short. I needed more. But a good Harlan Coben is still better that what most author’s can produce. 

I read a few books on Antarctica for homeschool, bringing me yearly total to 74.


It was cute and Jack Black as Bowser was perfection. By far my favorite scene of the movie was this song, being recreated here.

Chaos Walking was such a disappointment for such a great trilogy.


This 100 piece puzzle is gorgeous!

Plans for the weekend

Happy Easter!

I’m linking up with The Sunday Salon.

March Movies and Money for Charity

Notice something about my March movies? They are all one word titles!!

In a comment, give me your 5 words (or less!) and earn $1 for charity. Once we get to $100 the person with the most reviews will choose the charity. Click here to see the past winners, the charities they chose and the other reviews you can add to. Anyone is welcome to join in at any time. Click here to see past movie posts.

We’re at $85 right now.  Your charity could be next 

Streaming – Jason and I finished season 3 of Emily in Paris. Love that show.

Joker, 2019 (Joaquin Phoenix, Robert De Niro, Zazie Beetz, Frances Conroy) Grade A

Mesmerizing, horrifying, & everyhing in between.

Moxie, 2021 (Hadley Robinson, Alycia Pascual-Pena, Lauren Tsai, Nico Hirago, Patrick Schwarzeneggar, Amy Poehler) Grade A-

High schoolers leading cultural change.

Solace, 2015 (Anthony Hopkins, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Abbie Cornish, Colin Farrell) Grade B+

Interesting serial killer thriller.

Nope, 2022 (Daniel Kaluuya, Kiki Palmer Steven Yeun, Michael Wincott, Brandon Perea, Keith David) Grade B

Slow moving, unique alien discovery.

Creed III, 2022 (Michael B. Jordan, Tessa Thompson, Jonathan Majors, Phylicia Rashad) Grade B

Past catches up to Adonis.

Bliss, 2021 (Salma Hayek, Owen Wilson) Grade C


This Week – Sick Kid in the House

I stayed up until 3:30 this morning finishing this ridiculous 1000 piece puzzle.

It’s one of our rented puzzles from Completing the Puzzle and I just wanted to be done. But sometimes when you make bad decisions, like staying up until 3:30 am, they come back to bite you. As I was getting my water to take to bed I hear Gage getting sick in his bathroom. So, I was up all night with him. When Jason got up at 8:15 I was able to nap for an hour and a half. The boy is still sick with vomiting and fever so it’s been a long day.

We’ve had a good week though. His friend had Spring Break so he spent a night here and they spent a day having fun together. One of the perks of homeschooling is being able to take days off for important things, like time with good friends.

Posts this week

March Stats and Faves – I read 28 books in March.

3+ Books 1 Word – Pick My Next Book – Please Vote for the book I start tomorrow.

Other Birds by SAA – Fun Book Club Choice

Currently reading

On the Screen

We finished up season 3 of Emily in Paris on Netflix last night. I always want to go buy new clothes after watching.

Plans for the Weekend

Getting the boy healthy and SLEEP!

What are your (hopefully) more exciting plans for the weekend?