Postcrossing Update

I’ve written about my love affair with Postcrossing a few times (here, here, and here) and while the past year I haven’t kept up with sending as many cards I love the fact that I still continue to be surprised when one pops up in my mailbox.  Another great thing is that I can pick up and right where I left off and I wrote five postcards yesterday.

For every card that tells me a little about their life or just says hello because they don’t write English, there are those that tell me how their hobbies and interests intersect my own. It’s comforting to know that in this crazy world we are not all as different as we sometimes think we are.  And sometimes I receive postcards like this, from strangers who bring war and conflict closer to home.



I’ve received a few more like this from Kiev over the past year and it has definitely made me feel more connected to the people there and what it going on internationally.  Interestingly, I’ve received more postcards from Russia and it is never mentioned.

These are the countries I received cards from and the average length of time it took for them to get to me.

  • Postcards by country

  • Country Received Avg travel (Received)
    1 Australia 5 8 days
    2 Belarus 12 27 days
    3 Belgium 1 6 days
    4 Brazil 1 92 days
    5 Canada 1 10 days
    6 China 10 24 days
    7 Czech Republic 5 15 days
    8 Dominican Republic 1 45 days
    9 Estonia 2 10 days
    10 Finland 8 9 days
    11 France 2 54 days
    12 Germany 28 14 days
    13 Hong Kong 5 14 days
    14 Iceland 1 14 days
    15 India 3 11 days
    16 Indonesia 1 25 days
    17 Ireland 1 3 days
    18 Israel 1 19 days
    19 Japan 3 13 days
    20 Korea (South) 2 13 days
    21 Latvia 1 16 days
    22 Lithuania 2 16 days
    23 Morocco 1 9 days
    24 Netherlands 23 10 days
    25 New Zealand 2 16 days
    26 Poland 9 47 days
    27 Portugal 3 22 days
    28 Russia 28 23 days
    29 Singapore 4 12 days
    30 Slovenia 2 12 days
    31 Spain 5 59 days
    32 Sweden 1 6 days
    33 Switzerland 1 9 days
    34 Taiwan 9 17 days
    35 Thailand 1 14 days
    36 Turkey 1 15 days
    37 U.S.A. 22 12 days
    38 Ukraine 11 26 days
    39 United Kingdom 3 11 days

    Of the 222 cards I’ve only received one set of repeats.

    IMG_1913[1]Appropriate, right?  One is from Germany and the other from the Netherlands.

    If you want to keep up with the postcards I receive you can visit the blog I’ve set up, Postcarder

    And if you are interesting in giving it a try yourself I can’t recommend it enough! It’s fun, easy and a cheap way to travel.  Visit Postcrossing.