Mrs Pollifax Unveiled by Dorothy Gilman

Mrs. Pollifax Unveiled (Mrs. Pollifax Series #14)Mrs. Pollifax Unveiled. Finished 1-2-15, rating, 3.5/5, mystery, 216 pages, pub. 2000

Book #14 and last of the Mrs. Pollifax series.

After facing down hijackers on a flight to the Middle East and saving the lives of the passengers on board, a young American woman steps off the plane in Damascus in a blaze of celebrity and disappears. The CIA believes Amanda Pym was kidnapped, possibly murdered.

Masquerading as Amanda Pym’s worried aunt, Mrs. Pollifax begins her determined search, slipping through Damascus’s crooked streets and crowded souks . . . and trekking deep into the desert. Yet she is shadowed by deadly enemies, whose sinister agenda threatens not only Mrs. P. but the fragile stability of the entire Middle East. Only a miracle–or a brilliant counterplot– can forestall a disaster that will send shock waves around the world.

I’m having a difficult time deciding where to start.  I read the first Mrs. Pollifax book in 2002 after a trusted bookstore friend admitted that she bought them all when they came out.  At the time I thought it was odd since Mrs. Pollifax, a 60 something retired widower, seemed a bit long in the tooth for a 30-year-old.  But I gave the first one a try to really enjoyed getting to know the spunky Mrs. P and how she brazenly went to work for the CIA in between her garden club meetings.  For some reason I’ve allowed myself to read these out-of-order as they’ve become available to me, so this is only my 7th Mrs. Pollifax book, but I do plan to pick up the others as time allows.

These are cozy, spy novels which seems an odd combination but it works.  There is always a lot of danger, especially in this one as she is forced to get in and out of Syria undercover.  The books are dated but still enjoyable.  Gilman didn’t know this would be the last Pollifax mystery, since she became ill and passed away before another could be written. I like the way the series ended since there was no end.  The sweet, grandmotherly Mrs. Pollifax is still out there, saving the world with her friends.

I recommend this series for cozy mystery lovers who love to explore other cultures.  This was from my own library.