2015 Book Favorites and Stats


I read 60 books this year. That’s one more than last year.  Next year’s goal will be 61 🙂

44 Fiction , 16 Non-fiction

Of those 44 fiction books, 25 were written by authors new to me!

33 Female authors , 27 Male authors

It was a banner year for audiobooks with 27 and 2 where I both read and listened.

I continued with 6 series that I already read (Mrs. Pollifax, Jack Reacher, Lucas Davenport, Blue Heron, Vanessa Michael Monroe, and Tommy & Tuppence)

I read 8 books for the Classics Club.  I have 4 years to finish 42 more 🙂

My favorite cover

Oldest book read?  The Hound of the Baskervilles by Sir Conan Arthur Doyle, 1902

Shortest book? 84, Charing Cross by Helene Hanff, 97 pages

Longest book? The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins, 672 pages

Most read author? A tie! I read 2 Agatha Christie (And Then There Were None, By the Pricking of My Thumbs) and 2 John Sandford (Field of Prey, Gathering Prey)


My 5 favorite books this year

1.The Homecoming of Samuel LakeThe Homecoming of Samuel Lake.  This is everything Southern fiction should be.

2.fpoRoll of Thunder, Hear My Cry. More Southern fiction at its best.  Winner of the 1977 Newberry Medal.

3.fpoThe Fault in Our Stars.  It was worth all the hype.

4.fpoMe Before You.  Also worth the hype. I’m looking forward to the sequel and movie in 2016!

5.fpoThe Perfect Match.  Second in the Blue Heron series and my favorite romance this year.


None of these books were published this year so I’m adding a 6th favorite, my favorite book published in 2015.

6.fpoFirst Frost. I love SAA and this continuing story of the Waverly family.