Shattered by Dean Koontz

fpoShattered. Finished 12-5-15, rating 3/5. fiction suspense, 289 pages, pub. 1973

The van was in back of them again. Closer this time. There could be no mistake–they were being followed.


But why? The question kept nagging at Alex and Colin as they left Philadelphia behind and sped toward their new home in San Francisco. Courtney would be waiting for the, ready to begin a wonderful new life with her husband, her brother…


Now, someone else is driving cross-country to see Courtney, too. Someone whose brain is rotting inside. Someone who knows their route, their stops, even their destination.     


He’s got an ax.     from Goodreads

I like Koontz but haven’t read too many of his older titles.  Somehow this one ended up in Mt. TBR and I wanted something quick, so I picked it up and read it in about a day.  Aside from it being quite dated – which felt quaint, even when a psycho was wielding an axe – it was fun.

Alex and Colin were pretty fleshed out characters for such a short book. I liked their relationship and the bonding road trip of the new family they were making with Courtney.  Even though this was written over 40 years ago it seemed longer.  It’s amazing how technology has really left stories like this in the dust. Now there would be pics posted on social media and to the police of the offending man.

I liked it well enough but wouldn’t go out of my way to recommend it.