Let Love Find You by Johanna Lindsey

fpoFinished 11-30-15. rating 4/5, historical romance, pub. 2012

Unabridged audio read by Anne Flosnik, 9.5 hours.

London society has its very own Cupid. Renowned horse breeder and occasional matchmaker Devin Baldwin pairs eligible young ladies with suitable gentlemen based on his theory of animal magnetism. Unafraid of ruffling the ton’s feathers, this darkly handsome Cupid doles out tips for bettering one’s chances of meeting a mate that are as pointed as the love legend’s sharpest arrows!

Lovely Amanda Locke, the daughter of a duke, is everything a nobleman could desire, yet she enters her third Season still searching for a match. Gossipmongers’ tongues are wagging, and her mystified family is considering drastic measures to find her a husband. But the insufferable advice of this Cupid fellow is the last thing Amanda wants.
When an earl passionate about horses becomes the target of her husband hunt, Amanda knows it’s time to overcome her fear of riding. With her sister-in-law Ophelia hastening the romance along by arranging riding lessons, Amanda is soon taking instruction from infuriating Devin Baldwin. Astonishingly, in her daily encounters with Devin—who treats her as an ordinary young woman, not a prize to be won at the marriage mart—Amanda experiences passion for the first time. Now, her search for a match takes her in an unexpected direction as she finds herself falling in love with Cupid himself.    from Goodreads

This is the fourth book about the Reid family and while I don’t plan to go back and read about her brothers, I did fall a little in love with her family and consider this a good standalone.

Amanda is in her third season and is willing to wait for the right man, but she’s getting nervous.  Her father and brothers haven’t put any pressure on her but her sister-in-law  makes a deal with the devil, er, Devin, and the two who don’t really like each other are forced together.    I really liked how this relationship developed, it felt real and balanced. There wasn’t the melodrama that I dislike in some romances.  A real relationship developed.

This is my first time reading Lindsey and I look forward to reading more.  The storyline, chemistry and romance were good and the sex scenes were never too much.  Anyone else a fan of hers and want to recommend a  title?