
I revamped my favorite 100 book list and I’m pretty sure I hate it, BUT before I scrap it again I want you all to use the books on the list to fill out the following questions.  Everyone gets points for every question answered AND extra points if your answer matches anyone else’s.  PLUS I’M GIVING AWAY ONE OF MY FAVORITES JUST IN TIME FOR THE HOLIDAY SEASON!

Gage will randomly draw a winner from every one who participates this week!  Good luck 🙂

No Googling or looking at other commenter answers.  Yes, we’re going by the honor system 🙂  Play every week or just one time, you are always welcome 🙂  It only takes once to be eligible for a prize. 

You must use this list for the answers. YOU ARE ANSWERING THESE QUESTIONS FOR YOURSELF.

  1.  You Favorite fiction book
  2. Your Favorite non fiction book
  3. Your Least favorite book
  4. Your Favorite Cover
  5. Your Second favorite cover 🙂
  6. Your Best title
  7. Your Favorite author
  8. Your Favorite character
  9. One you’ve never heard of
  10. The one you’d like to win