
I revamped my favorite 100 book list and I’m pretty sure I hate it, BUT before I scrap it again I want you all to use the books on the list to fill out the following questions.  Everyone gets points for every question answered AND extra points if your answer matches anyone else’s.  PLUS I’M GIVING AWAY ONE OF MY FAVORITES JUST IN TIME FOR THE HOLIDAY SEASON!

Gage will randomly draw a winner from every one who participates this week!  Good luck 🙂

No Googling or looking at other commenter answers.  Yes, we’re going by the honor system 🙂  Play every week or just one time, you are always welcome 🙂  It only takes once to be eligible for a prize. 

You must use this list for the answers. YOU ARE ANSWERING THESE QUESTIONS FOR YOURSELF.

  1.  You Favorite fiction book
  2. Your Favorite non fiction book
  3. Your Least favorite book
  4. Your Favorite Cover
  5. Your Second favorite cover 🙂
  6. Your Best title
  7. Your Favorite author
  8. Your Favorite character
  9. One you’ve never heard of
  10. The one you’d like to win

17 thoughts on “Quiz/Survey/Giveaway

  1. BermudaOnion says:

    The link didn’t work but I’m assuming I’m supposed to use your Fave Book List.

    1 – Saving CeeCee Honeycutt
    2 – The Glass Castle
    3 – Wicked
    4 – Like Water for Chocolate
    5 – The Secret Life of Bees
    6 – The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian
    7 – Beth Hoffman
    8 – Scout Finch
    9 – The Man Who Ate the 747
    10 – Hidden Power

  2. rhapsodyinbooks says:

    I was confused too, but either way, I can’t figure out either my choices or yours! LOL But great list, in any event! But I can’t imagine picking between them. For most favorite, it would be like having to decide on a favorite child or something!

  3. Word Lily says:

    Picking favorites is nigh impossible for me! Even a list of favorites.

    1. To Kill a Mockingbird
    2. Bible
    3. Tuesdays with Morrie
    4. The Shadow of the Wind
    5. Love Walked In
    6. The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian
    7. Madeleine L’Engle
    8. Scout Finch
    9. The Man Who Ate the 747
    10. Watership Down

  4. Literary Feline says:

    Let’s see . . .

    1. Your Favorite fiction book – Jane Eyre
    2. Your Favorite non fiction book – The Hiding Place
    3. Your Least favorite book – The Glass Castle
    4. Your Favorite Cover – Saving CeeCee Honeycutt
    5. Your Second favorite cover 🙂 – The Shadow of the Wind
    6. Your Best title – A Wrinkle in Time
    7. Your Favorite author – Jane Austen
    8. Your Favorite character – Agustus Waters from The Fault in Our Stars
    9. One you’ve never heard of – A Day No Pigs Would Die
    10. The one you’d like to win – Joy School by Elizabeth Berg

  5. Kay says:

    1. Harry Potter series (all 7)
    2. Bible
    3. The Scarlet Letter
    4. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
    5. Joy School
    6. The Hiding Place
    7. J.K. Rowling
    8. Harry Potter (well, really Ginny Weasley)
    9. Mind Hunter
    10. The Tea Rose

    Hope I did that right!! Thanks, Stacy!

  6. truebookaddict says:

    1. The Pillars of the Earth
    2. On Writing
    3. A Confederacy of Dunces
    4. Into the Wilderness
    5. The Winter Sea
    6. The Lovely Bones
    7. Stephen King
    8. Ayla (Clan of the Cave Bear)
    9. The Hiding Place
    10. A Gracious Plenty by Sheri Reynolds

    Fun! I love quizzes like this. Really no wrong answer. 😉

  7. Gina, a book dragon says:

    You Favorite fiction book: there are ten to pick from, sigh, going with… sorry, can only narrow it down to six. (Ender’s Game, Hitchhiker’s trilogy, Harry Potter, Fellowship of the Rings, Jonathan Livingstone Seagull, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.)

    Your Favorite non fiction book: Stories I Only Tell My Friends
    Your Least favorite book: Cujo
    Your Favorite Cover: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
    Your Second favorite cover 🙂 The Call of the Wild
    Your Best title: The Fellowship of the RIng
    Your Favorite author: Douglas Adams
    Your Favorite character: Ender
    One you’ve never heard of: Island of the Swans
    The one you’d like to win: The Shadow of the Wind (it’s on my tbr list)

  8. Leslie says:

    Me too, confused, which is why I waited until the last minute to do the quiz.

    1. Favorite Fiction: A Wrinkle in Time – chosen because it was my first favorite book. Other favorites came later, if that makes any sense. My most favorite isn’t on your list.

    4. Favorite Cover: Saving CeeCee Honeycut – it has a bird on it and a beautiful flower

    5. Second Favorite Cover: Watership Down

    6. Best Title: Watership Down – Just love that title. And the book is a favorite too.

    7. Favorite Author: Stephen King – I can’t help myself!

    8. Favorite Character: Fiver Rabbit

    9. One you’ve never heard of: The Miracle of Mindfulness – There were a few, that was the first

  9. booksandmoviescarriek says:

    Your Favorite fiction book – To Kill a Mockingbird

    Your Favorite non fiction book – I’m supposed to say The Bible, but instead of the obvious, I’ll say: The Hiding Place

    Your Least favorite book – The Awakening – yuck!

    Your Favorite Cover – Saving CeeCee Honeycutt

    Your Second favorite cover 🙂 – The Sparrow

    Your Best title – The Glass Castle

    Your Favorite author – Jane Austen or C.S. Lewis

    Your Favorite character – Lucy Pevensie or Scout Finch

    One you’ve never heard of – The Mind Hunter

    The one you’d like to win – The Uncommon Reader

    What a great idea! This makes me want to update my “100 Books You Must Read” list.

  10. Vicki says:

    You Favorite fiction book: Jonathan Livingston Seagull
    Your Favorite non fiction book: The Holy Bible
    Your Least favorite book: The Time Machine
    Your Favorite Cover: The Winter Sea
    Your Second favorite cover: Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret
    Your Best title: The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian
    The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time IndianThe Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian
    Your Favorite author: Stephen King
    Your Favorite character: Sethe from Beloved
    One you’ve never heard of: Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts
    The one you’d like to win: Jonathan Livingston Seagull

  11. Jean Hairston says:

    1. Shadow of the Wind
    2. Holy Bible
    3. Lolita
    4. Saving CeeCee Honeycutt
    5. Shadow of the Wind
    6. The Man Who Ate the 747
    7. Harlen Coben
    8. Milan Jacovich
    9. A day No Pigs Would Die
    10. The Glass Castle

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