Monday Movie Meme- Farms

Feature Presentation…MONDAY MOVIE MEME
This week’s movie topic is all about Farms…
Movies have featured farms and farming forever. Their roles in film have changed and even diminished some as the industry of farming has waned. But there are plenty of examples out there. Here are a few that we thought of. Share on your blog movies that are set on a farm, focus on farmers or reference farming in some way, linking back here so that others can find you.
Brought to you by The Bumbles
1. Children of the Corn (1984) was a hit at slumber parties when it came out.  If only to see who would hide in their sleeping bag, who would scream, and who would pretend it wasn’t the creapiest movie ever.
2. Grapes of Wrath (1940) is a the serious side of what happened to farmers during the Great Depression.  A downer of an awesome movie.
3. Footloose (1984) isn’t necessarily a farming movie, but the scene where they play chicken with the tractors is one that came to mind. 
View Image4. Man in the Moon (1991) is a surprisingly good movie.  See it to check out a young Reese Witherspoon.
5. Signs (2002) is a good one.  Who was doing all that damage to the fields?  The answer may surprise you (or not).  This was before Mel Gibson became taboo.
Go to fullsize imageSo, what farming movie would you recommend?
Please contribute your thoughts to my 5 word movie reviews for charity. Post here.  So far, we’re up to $66.