December’s 5 Word Movie Reviews – Join In

Once a month I feature the movies I’ve seen for the first time with a 5 word ‘review’.  Only it’s not really a review.  For that I need your help.  I hope that you’ll add your 5 words to my 5 words and that someone else will add their 5 words and so on until we have a a fun hodgepodge of words that make up a ‘review’.

This month you can give money to charity by contributing your 5 words (Details here).  Please join the fun :)  Past 5 Word Reviews here.  We’re up to $99.

(2011. Cast-Robert Downey Jr., Jude Law, Rachel McAdams, Noomi Rapace)   Grade A-

Smartly done period dramedy. Fun.

Even better than the first. (Michelle)

Downey, still my fave Sherlock.  (Heather)

(2011. Cast-Ed Helms, John C. Reilley, Anne Heche, Sigourney Weaver)       Grade B

Earnest Insurance Hijinks.  No, really.

(2010. Cast-Katherine Heigl, Josh Duhamel)                            Grade B

Totally unrealistic but cute romance.

Surprisingly cute but overly predictable.  (Heather)