A Cold with Gage

This was supposed to be a post about My Gym closing this week.  The My Gym that Gage went to 3 times a week and where we both made friends.  I’m going to need find a new morning activity for us.  Yesterday Jason was going to go and take pictures, but on Saturday morning at 2:30 am when I went to check on Gage, I found a sick boy.

We have hacking coughs, a runny nose, runny eyes, diarrhea and a fever.  All in time for Jason’s dad to visit from Michigan and for his last class at My Gym (Where I’m sure he got the cold in the first place.  Maybe I should have continued the circle and taken him anyway !)

He acted fairly well for as sick as he was and I thought for sure he’d sleep well last night.  Little ones really don’t care what their parents think.  Gage ended up in bed with us at 12:30 and was up because he couldn’t breathe through his nose/coughing at 2:30 am.  Again.  So, Jason and I took shifts until I finally got him to sleep from 8 til 9:30 in the guest bed with me (I didn’t want to interrupt Jason’s few hours of sleep).

Somehow Gage operates better with little sleep than his parents.  This is Gage’s first real cold and I am not a fan.

23 thoughts on “A Cold with Gage

  1. gautami tripathy says:

    Awwww. Too bad. Just give him plenty of fluids. I am sure you know all that!! I get massive colds. And suffer for a week or so. My cold is the drying kind where nothing comes out of the nose. The worst kind one can have. I feel so miserable.

    Come what may, cold virus are here to stay..!!

    HUGS for the wee boy (and his mom too!!)

  2. Staci@LifeintheThumb says:

    Gae and I looked about the same…miserable! Hope he’s doing better and that all of you get a good nights sleep soon!

  3. pinkim95 says:

    Poor baby, he look miserable…I remember my little one was just an infant when she got her first one and I cried for her…

  4. hmsgofita says:

    Colds are the worst. Nothing is more heartbreaking than your sick kid. Plus the stress of no sleep. Gabe got the 24 hour flu this weekend. Miserable. Hope he gets better soon!

  5. The old roommate says:

    Almost 18 months and THIS is your first real cold?!?! Methinks he’s spoiling you. (Well not now, obviously).

    Hope all is better soon.

  6. Literary Feline says:

    I hope he is feeling better soon, Stacy. It’s no fun being sick–not for the one sick nor for his parents. Nights are always the hardest with these colds.

  7. jennygirl says:

    Aww poor little pumpkin! I am so sorry Gage is not feeling well. And sorry to you and Jason because I am sure Gage is more than willing to do sharsies with his germs. Hope you all get some sleep and feel better soon {{Hugs}}

    that little face is priceless.

  8. Stephanie D. says:

    Oh, poor boo-boo! Look at that face. I hope he’s much improved now and that neither you nor Jason caught it. Sounds like a bad one.

  9. Jenners says:

    Oh he just looks so miserable!! It is sad/scary when they get sick for the first time .. but if this is his first real cold, then you’ve been lucky I think!

  10. Bumble says:

    Oh poor sweetheart – I just want to snuggle him until he is well. So sad. Sammy has spent months on end trading colds and other forms of illness with us. The snotty-nose-sucker-bulb is his worst enemy. You’d think I was trying to murder him. For stuffed up, dry, non-runny noses I’ve found the saline nose drops work great. And Ibuprofin. He rarely complains and even with lots of coughing he gets himself back to sleep. But a cranky baby is sad, exhausting and no fun for anyone. I hope Gage gets well soon and that you all catch up on some sleep.

  11. boardinginmyforties says:

    Poor little Gage. I’m sure by now he is feeling much better since I am so late to getting to my posts in my Reader.

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