Sundays with Gage- Made in America

I don’t know how many of you saw the ABC special about products made in America, but I found it fascinating.  Here’s the link.  I applaud the family who agreed to have their home furnished only with products made in the USA, but no television?  Sorry, you lost me.  A few years ago I had the idea that  Jason and I could start a store called Made in America and it was fun dinner conversation for a few nights but that’s as far as it went.  I think if it were easier to buy American we would.  I know I would. 

So, the special got me thinking about how I can make a conscious effort to buy more things made here.  I plan on doing a monthly feature on this very subject, but today, let’s start with the one thing for Gage that we bought organic and locally made, his crib.  We bought this from Kids Collection Furniture, which is halfway between our house and where my family lives, so my cousin and Dad brought it up.  I confess that I ordered it late and because I wanted it organic it took a long time to arrive.  But Gage wasn’t going to be sleeping in it the first month anyway!  It is beautiful, but it was more expensive and did take an effort to find and get home. (This picture is a few months old)

I know that the only think in his closet made in America is the sweater that Jenny made for him.  That’s sad. I’ll be looking for companies that make clothes here. 

The one thing I thought was safely made in America was his books.  Adult books are published here, so kids books are too, right?  Well, Friday Gage and I went through his small library and we were both shocked (okay, I may me exaggerating Gage’s participation) at how many of his books were made other places.  Every single board and book that was made for babies under 2 years old is made elsewhere.  Not one made in America.  As for the rest it was about a 50/50 split.  Here he is to show the discrepancy.  Those made in America are still on his bookshelf and the three huge stacks on the floor were made elsewhere.

It’s not easy to buy American.  It takes time and effort.  I hope that this year I can start making a small contribution to the cause.  Before anyone thinks that I am going to be a zealot about it, rest assured that I do not have the time or energy for it.  I’m talking about being more aware of where the stuff I buy comes from and hopefully this will lead me to buy more locally.  I asked Jason if he wanted to join me in making a combined effort, but he informed me that he had no problem supporting workers in China.  He said this tongue in cheek, but you get the point.  To each his own. 

Do you have a good recommendation for a place that sells baby clothes or toys made in America?  Did you see the ABC special and what did you think?

**Edited to Add**

I mean no offense.  I have a house full of things I love that were made in other countries.  This is more about supporting the local economy and living more ‘green’.  I am not giving up my favorite clothes, linens, or any other number of favorite things because they aren’t made here and that’s okay 🙂