Monday Movie Meme – Animation

Feature Presentation…MONDAY MOVIE MEME
This week’s movie topic is all about Animation…
Share on your blog movies whose drawn, digitized or old school clay figures rock your world, linking back here at The Bumbles.
 1.  Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1988) is one of my all-time favorites, animation or not.  I love that silly rabbit! 
2.The Little Mermaid (1989) is the first one I saw multiple times over a summer and not by choice.  When I was working at Ohio State orientation over the summer during college this was always playing in someone’s room.  You’d think I would have gotten sick of it, but it has become a beloved memory.
3. The Lion King (1994) is a wonderful movie and great broadway show.  If you ever get a chance to see it  at your local theater or in New York, don’t miss it.
4. Finding Nemo (2003) was the first animated film Jason and I had seen after a long hiatus.  We were both impressed and fell in love with little Nemo.
5. Wall-E (2008).  I fell in love with Wall-E when I watched this a few months ago.  Not only did I love him I thought the movie had something important to say.
So, what’s your favorite animated movie?