Free Books for July

Leave a comment, tell me which book you want and I’ll get the book to you for FREE either by mail or personally if I’ll see you soon.  The first one to request each book wins.  Once you’ve ‘won’ the book I can get your shipping address if I need it.  Also, you can come back and get a free book every month if you want.  These have all been read a time or two.

 1. How Successful People Think by John C. Maxwell. small non-fiction hardcover, published 2009, B&N review here.  for Margie

2. Sleeping Beauty by Judith Michael. paperback fiction, published 1991, B&N review here.  for Misha

3. Lion’s Bride by Iris Johansen. paperback romance, published 1996, B&N review here.  for Ester

4. Candide, Voltaire and Selected Stories by Voltaire.  classic paperback, copyright 1961, B&N review here.  for Em

Happy Reading!