Top Ten Tuesday – Powerful Pairs

After many years of hosting this meme The Broke and the Bookish has passed it on to one of  their own, Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl.

This week it’s all about love.  Here are some of the more memorable couples that I’ve discovered in the last ten years on this blog…

  1. Louisa & Will  – Me Before You by JoJo Moyes
  2. Elizabeth Bennet & Fitzwilliam Darcy – Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen
  3. Anne & Wentworth – Persuasion by Jane Austen
  4. Meg & Ted – Call Me Irresistible by Susan Elizabeth Phillips
  5. Michael & Miles – The Innocent by Taylor Stevens (+the rest of the series)
  6. Becky & Felix – The Actor & the Housewife by Shannon Hale
  7. Francesca & Calder – Deadly series by Brenda Joyce
  8. Claire & Trevelyan – The Duchess by Jude Deveraux
  9. Mariana & Richard – Mariana by Susanna Kearsley
  10. Faith & Levi – The Best Man by Kristan Higgins (I love all the couples of this series)

I’m a sucker for romance.  Where can I find some of your favorite couples so I can put them on my TBR?

7 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday – Powerful Pairs

  1. Kay says:

    The only books I’ve read here are the Austen books. I like Persuasion better than Pride and Prejudice, but both are quite good. I keep meaning to read the Taylor Stevens series.

  2. Literary Feline says:

    Darcy and Elizabeth would definitely have made my list if I made one. 🙂 And I just love Anne and Wentworth!

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