September’s Movies & my 1st 30 Day Challenge

I know I’ve been absent lately. I think that’ll get better 🙂 I finished my first 30 Day Challenge of finishing a book day. Pop on over to the blog to check out the wrap up. Now I have plenty of books to review this month!

For October I’m planning on a 2-3 mile nature walk everyday to enjoy the gorgeous fall weather.  I’d love to have you join me.

Because of all of my reading we only managed one movie, and that was last night on the last day of the month!

Another month and another chance to contribute money to charity.  Add your 5 words (or less!) to mine in a comment and earn $1 for charity.  Once we get to $100 the person with the most reviews will choose the charity.  Click here to see the past winners, the charities they chose and the other reviews you can add to.  Anyone is welcome to join in at any time.

We’re at $35.

I hope that you will take a few minutes to participate when you can each month.  It’s fun for me and for everyone else who reads it.  I’m not looking for a critical review, just a few words about how you felt about the movie.  This is ongoing so you can leave your 5 words anytime.

Magnificent Seven 2016.jpgThe Magnificent Seven, 2016 (Denzel Washington, Chris Pratt, Ethan Hawke, Vincent D’Onofrio, Byung-hun Lee, Peter Saarsgard)     Grade C

Men bust up Old West town.