Dad is Fat by Jim Gaffigan

Dad Is FatDad is Fat. Finished audio 10-13-14, rating 4/5, humor, pub. 2013

Unabridged audio read by author. 5 1/2 hours.

In Dad is Fat, stand-up comedian Jim Gaffigan, who’s best known for his legendary riffs on Hot Pockets, bacon, manatees, and McDonald’s, expresses all the joys and horrors of life with five young children—everything from cousins (“celebrities for little kids”) to toddlers’ communication skills (“they always sound like they have traveled by horseback for hours to deliver important news”), to the eating habits of four year olds (“there is no difference between a four year old eating a taco and throwing a taco on the floor”). Reminiscent of Bill Cosby’s Fatherhood,Dad is Fat is sharply observed, explosively funny, and a cry for help from a man who has realized he and his wife are outnumbered in their own home.

from Goodreads

This was the perfect audio for our road trip to Washington DC in September.  I didn’t really know anything about his stand up but figured a comedian talking about fatherhood would be fun for me and for Jason. It was.

Jim and his wife live in a two bedroom, five-story walk-up apartment in New York City with their FIVE YOUNG CHILDREN!  That’s too many bodies for one cab and they don’t own a car so getting around by subway creates some fun times.  The process of how they get five children and themselves to sleep in a two bedroom apartment was funny and a little confusing.  How can people live like that?  Is there really any sleep being had?  I dunno, seemed crazy to me.  It was mostly funny and heartfelt and his love for his wife and children came shining through.  I did wonder about his sanity several times (taking 5 young kids by plane to ski in Aspen?) but  it was a great audio to listen to with your significant other.  I think having kids will help you truly appreciate it and the younger your kids are the more you’ll connect.  There are lots of laughs to be had.

I see he has as new book about food so I’ll have to give that a listen too.

I checked this out of the library.


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10 thoughts on “Dad is Fat by Jim Gaffigan

  1. My Home of Books (@duffygal777) says:

    I saw this author on a morning show last year. Apartments in New York are very expensive and this is what he can afford I guess. He mentioned his wife is religious so they don’t use birth control (I feel awkward mentioning this, but he did on tv). I knew nothing of his comedy but he appeared naturally funny on the program. I think this could an enjoyable diversion from my other reads, but I don’t do audio, so not sure if in print it would be as good.

  2. Mary says:

    My husband is a fan so one of the kids bought this book for him for Father’s Day last year. He loved it. I think I’d enjoy the audio so thanks for reviewing it!

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