Top Ten Tuesday – Bookish Worlds I’d Want to Live In


After many years of hosting this meme The Broke and the Bookish has passed it on to one of  their own, Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl.

This week’s topic is Bookish Worlds I’d Want to/Never Want to Live In.  I decided to focus on the worlds/places/lives I’d be willing to live in.

  1. The Shire and Rivendell in the The Hobbit & Lord of the Rings series.  I’ll skip the rest of Tolkien’s geography, but those two places?  Sign me up!
  2. Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory from Roald Dahl’s Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. It’s more than a little bit creepy, but I think I could find a few happy places 🙂
  3. The Cemetery of Forgotten Books in Barcelona is a place I wouldn’t mind spending some time.  (Shadow of the Wind by Zafon)
  4. It’s 2019 and the world has discovered music coming from another planet and they send a ship to Rakhat.  Mary Doria Russell’s The Sparrow and Children of God took us on the ride and I’d be willing to go.
  5. When Frances buys an old villa in Tuscany, I was living vicariously, so this is a no brainer!  Under the Tuscan Sun sounds good to me.
  6. In Stephen King’s 11/22/63, time travel from a good cause goes awry.  Maybe if he had a willing partner with some sense he would have been more successful.
  7. Hogwarts from the Harry Potter series was a magical place.  Yes, some scary things happened there, but it never lacked for excitement.
  8. If I could jump into Claire’s life I’d choose her travels in the Outlander series.  With Jamie being played by Jason of course 😉
  9. A chocolatier in a small French village in the 1950s would be a nice little life, even when dealing with the worst of the worst the village has to offer.  (Chocolat by Harris)
  10. I think the late 1700s in New York would be a fascinating place to visit for awhile.  I loved the story in Into the Wilderness by Donati.

So, tell me, if you could choose ONE place to visit for an extended amount of time what book would you choose?

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