Dewey’s 24 Hour Read-a-thon with a throwback quiz

If I’m in town I always have the Read-a-thon on my calendar.  What is more fun that spending 24 hours straight reading and connecting with others who are doing the same thing?  It starts for me at 8am on Saturday, but each time zone around the world is different, and I always try to make it the whole 24 hours.  If you are interested in joining me and hundreds of other readers then you should go and sign up right now!

I love the mini-challenges, both as a participant and a challenge maker.  For the first time in 3 years I was not chosen to be a challenge host 😦  I was disappointed, but admit that it did free up an hour making it and close to that in choosing a winner.  In honor of the Read-a-Thon, I’m posting one of my past min-challenges (some of you may remember it!).  I just need the titles of the books in my clock.


One Day, A Tale of Two Cities, Three Cups of Tea, Four Agreements, The Five, The Sixes, Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, Hard Eight, Nine Dragons, The Tenth Circle, 11/22/63, The Twelve, 24 Hours.