Animal Love Quiz – guessing closed

I love animals, but I don’t read many stories that focus on them, mainly because I think they’ll break my tender heart.  Let’s see how you all do in identifying these real life and fictional animals.  You can give me the animal’s name OR the title of the book for 6.5 points each.

You have until noon Saturday to submit your answers as a comment.  Comment will be hidden until I post the answers.  No Googling!

This round lasts til the end of March and the person with the most points will win a B&N gift card (total $ based on # of total participants, so please play) and a randomly selected participant will win a fun prize from me.

Good luck!

1. Marley, Marly & Me 2. Orson, A Good Dog 3. Georgia, Saddled 4. Dewey 5. Oogy  6. Rinn Tin Tin, Rin Tin Tin:The Life and the Legend  7. Merle, Merle’s Door  8. Miasy, Maisy’s Book of Things That Go  9. Frances, Bread and Jam for Frances  10. The Cat in the Hat  11. Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo and the Haunted Doghouse  12. Curious George, A Treasury of Curious George  13. Babar, Babar Loses His Crown  14. Sounder  15. Clifford, Clifford’s First Easter  16. The Very Hungry Caterpillar

24 thoughts on “Animal Love Quiz – guessing closed

  1. Stephanie D. says:

    1. Marley
    4. Dewey
    8. Maisie
    9. Frances (wait, is that the name of the author???)
    10. Cat in the Hat
    11. Scooby Doo
    12. Curious George
    13. Babar
    14. Sounder
    15. Clifford
    16. The Very Hungry Caterpillar

    Yay, working in the Kids’ Section of the bookstore finally paid off! I think…

  2. Kay says:

    Hmmm….I don’t read very many animal books but let’s see what I can come up with.

    4. Dewey – lived at a library.
    5. Uggi or Ugly or something like that.
    6. Rin Tin Tin
    9. Frances
    10. Cat in the Hat
    11. Scooby Doo
    12. Curious George
    13. Babar
    14. Sounder
    15. Clifford
    16. Very Hungry Caterpillar

    I obviously pay more attention to fictional animals or maybe I just read most of those to my daughter when she was little. LOL

  3. bermudaonion (Kathy) says:

    1. Marley and Me by John Grogan
    4. Dewey by Vicky Myron
    5. Oogy
    6. Rin Tin Tin by Susan Orlean
    8. Maisie?
    10. The Cat in the Hat by Dr. Seuss
    11.Scooby Doo
    12. Curious George by Rey
    13. Babar by Jean de Brunhoff
    14. Sounder?
    15. Clifford the Big Red Dog
    16. The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle

    Thanks for another fun quiz!!

  4. thebumbles says:

    1 = Marley
    4 = Dewey
    9 = Frances
    10 = The Cat In The Hat
    11 = Scooby Doo
    12 = Curious George
    13 = Babar
    14 = Sounder
    15 = Clifford The Big Red Dog
    16 = The Very Hungry Caterpillar (which I am currently reading over and over and over and over)

  5. softdrink says:

    Hey, where’s Enzo?? 😉

    1. Marley and Me
    4. Dewey
    10. The Cat in the Hat
    11. Scooby Doo
    12. Curious George (we LOVE George!)
    13. Babar
    15. Clifford (the Big Red Dog)
    16. The Very Hungry Caterpillar

  6. Jennifer Rayment says:

    1 Marley and Me (Bawled while reading)
    4 Dewey (got my copy at home – also bawled while reading) the small town library cat who touched the world
    5 Oogie (sp?)
    6 Rin Tin Tin (Reviewed it last year and it was fab)
    8 Maisy
    9 damn I have seen this one thousands of times can’t think what it is
    10 The Cat in the Hat
    11 Scooby Doo
    12 Curious George
    13 Babar (Met Gorden Pinsent who does the voice on cartoons)
    14 Old Yeller?
    15 Clifford (also name of Father in Law) the big red dog
    16 The Very Hungry Caterpillar

  7. Staci@LifeintheThumb says:

    This one is hard!!

    1. Marly & Me
    4. Dewey, the Library Cat
    5. Oogly
    8. Maisy
    9. Francis and the PB&J ( I did read this one to my boys)
    10. Cat in the Hat
    11. Scooby Doo
    12. Curious George
    13. Babar
    14. Sounder
    15. Clifford’s
    16. Catepillar ?

  8. Heather says:

    1. Marley and Me
    4. Dewey
    5. Oogie (or something like that)
    6. Rin tin tin
    10. Cat in the hat
    11. Scooby Doo
    12. Curious George
    13. Babar the Elephant
    15. Clifford
    16. Hungry Catepillar

    Fun quiz!

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