Surviving Survivor

Jason and I have watched every season of Survivor.  In the beginning the psychological drama appealed to me and over the years it has turned into a guilty pleasure.  We each pick who we think is going to win after the first episode and we’ve actually gotten it right quite a few times, although not lately. 

A few of my favorite winners- Ethan from Africa, Tom from Palau, Yul from Cook Islands, and Bob from Gabon.  They all showed that you can be a nice guy and still win.  Most of the time I think the women win for all the wrong reasons and the women who deserve it don’t make it to the vote, but the one exception is Parvati who won Micronesia.  She totally deserved it.

This year they are bringing Russell back, again, and I am not happy about it.  He almost made me stop watching during his first season.  There is just to little time to waste any of it watching such a repulsive guy tell me how great he is.  But moving on.

The next season starts February 16 and my pal and hopefully yours, Molly (the Bumbles), has formed a fantasy league and I’ve decided to join her.  I’ve never done a fantasy league so I have no idea what I’m doing, but I signed up and picked my tribe of four.  Would you like to join in the fun with Molly?  I think you should.  Here’s her post inviting you.  Hope to see you in fantasy land!

9 thoughts on “Surviving Survivor

  1. Sheila (Book Journey) says:

    We do a fantasy league locally with friends and have since the second season. SO MUCH FUN!

    We each put in $15 and before season start all participants draw out a name of who they are. First one voted out gets their money back and the rest goes into a first second and third place win. It is a lot of fun!

  2. jennygirl says:

    I also LOVE Survivor and ahve been watching it forever. Russell is a butthole, but the man makes people do stupid things. Don’t think he learned his lesson but hopefully this season will be better than the last one. Going to the Bumbles now 🙂

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