Sundays with Gage – Scopes, Stress & a Tip

Because of Gage’s ongoing issue with what we thought was acid reflux, he had an upper scope done on Wednesday and I was freaked out about it.  A couple of the doctors that we’ve seen this past year told me not to do it, one even citing the new research on what anesthesia can do a child’s brain, especially “sensitive ones” (said as she nodded to Gage).  I already knew enough to be worried, but once we decided  that we couldn’t wait any longer I did my research and talked to the other moms in my online group.  And when I heard from the anesthesiologist I sent her a few articles that I hoped she might take a look at, lol.  Yes, I am that mother!  Here are the three I sent her


Click to access Risk%20of%20Anesthesia%20Regression%20(2).pdf

and she not only responded within a day but we exchanged more emails and she was very patient with me.  Here’s the thing, there is always a risk for regression in people on the spectrum after anesthesia. This is from one of her emails, “I want to make sure you understand that despite our best efforts, he could still have complications and possible regression of his ASD.”  I know some people were wondering why I was so worried about a routine scope, but there it is.

There were actually more health concerns that we addressed (mitochondrial issues being one) but I won’t bog this post down in medical talk.  I do want to say that if you know a child who will be using anesthesia, even for something routine, there are precautions you can take to make it safer.  Sometimes you don’t even know kids have a mitochondrial issue until something bad happens.  Feel free to check out the above articles or shoot me and email.

Anyway, the procedure was a success in all ways possible.   It took 15 minutes, he woke up five minutes after they wheeled him back to us, and has been his sassy self ever since.  They saw nothing with the camera and all the biopsies came back negative so she told me to take him off Zantac, woohoo!  We have a follow-up next week to see where we go from here, but I’m guessing it’s going to take more investigating by me to figure out our next move.  A mother’s job is never done and while I wouldn’t have it any other way, sometimes I wish it were a bit easier  🙂

IMG_5719WaitingIMG_5721Blood pressure check (good thing they didn’t check mine!)IMG_5727Getting instructionsIMG_5732Daddy got to go back with him until he fell asleepIMG_5734And 30 minutes later. He did great.  After we got home I told him he had been a big boy and he said, “I know. That’s what I was trying to be.”