With love on Valentine’s Day, Grandma

We all have grandmothers.  Some were gone before we came and some we never saw, and others, if you are lucky, show you the deep love of age and wisdom.  I am one of the lucky ones.  My grandma died today at the age of 90.  While not a surprise, it is still hard to know she is no longer here, that Gage will probably not remember her.

She was the second oldest of 9 and mother of 6 (all of which she had in a 10 year pear period).  She married my grandfather when she was 19 and he built her a house up the street from his family (he was the oldest of 12) where they lived their lives together.  And when I say he built her a house that’s what I mean, handmade with love, no contractors or shortcuts.  My grandfather died in 1992 and my grandmother never considered another man.  Her life was full of family and church.

She was a strong woman full of unshakeable faith in God and was generous to a fault.  Her door was always open (and if it wasn’t everyone in the world knew where to find the key) to anyone who wanted to talk or was in need.  She was a formidable woman and the older I got the more I appreciated the authentic and full life she lived.  It was and is inspiring.  Family came first, but she never met a stranger and she kept her mind sharp over the years with crossword puzzles and chronicling her life for her kids and grandkids.  And she received all of the love she gave out ten-fold at the end of her life.  In hospice care for a year and a half, three meals a day were fed to her by her children or grandchildren and she was not ever alone in the days before her death, with the family holding vigil for her.

She instilled a love of family and God in her children that will be seen for many, many generations to come.  She was a rock.  She was love and faith.  She was my grandmother and I will miss her.

151I love photo of Gage meeting his great-grandma for the first time.

32 thoughts on “With love on Valentine’s Day, Grandma

  1. Literary Feline says:

    Such a beautiful photo and post, Stacy. I am so sorry for your loss.

    I am glad my husband’s grandmother had the chance to meet Mouse over Thanksgiving. We hopefully will see her again this summer, but her health is failing. Mouse will likely never meet my own grandmother, my dad’s mom who is still living. It makes me sad to think it, but she lives on the other side of the country and getting there is too much of a hurdle for us right now.

    I am sure it meant the world to your grandmother to get to know Gage. My thoughts are with you and your family, Stacy.

  2. Kay says:

    What a lovely tribute to your grandmother! She sounds like such a wonderful person and I know you will miss her, Stacy. I’m so sorry that she is gone, but I know she is in that better place for her deserved rest. Hugs to you and I’ll keep you and your family in my prayers.

  3. Wrighty says:

    I know words are not enough but I’m so very sorry for your loss. This is a lovely tribute to your grandmother and she sounds like a very special woman. Gage may not remember her as he gets older but he was still a part of her life and he will always have your wonderful memories and photos to treasure. She has left an amazing legacy.

    My grandma is 94 and I lost my other grandma last year at the same age. I have been very lucky to have them so long. As a new grandma myself I can only hope that I will always be special in the eyes of my grandchildren.

    Hugs and prayers to you, Stacy.

  4. Amy says:

    This a beautiful post, Stacy and such a heartfelt tribute to your Grandma. I hope you show it to Gage one day. It’s such a blessing she met him and left her mark on his heart.

    I’m Thinking of you and your family today.

  5. boardinginmyforties says:

    So sorry to hear about your loss. She sounds like an amazing woman and I know her memories and strength of character will live on through you and your son and the rest of the family. I’ll be praying for you…

  6. Becky Griffiths says:

    What a wonderful tribute to your Grandmother, Stacy–beautifully written!! I’m sorry for your loss, but happy that you obviously had such a wonderful relationship with her–and I’m sure that you were as special to her as she was to you.

  7. Staci@LifeintheThumb says:

    What a beautiful tribute to your Grandma, Stacy. I’m crying but it’s all good because I consider you blessed to have had such a strong, loving, and gracious woman in your life. I had that too and the tears are because I understand your pain at the loss of this person who meant so much to you. That picture speaks volumes!

  8. Jenners says:

    This was so beautifully written and lovely tribute to a very special woman. You were blessed to have such a strong and wonderful role model in your life. I’m sorry for your loss, but I know the folks in heaven are gald she’s with them now. Hugs to you

  9. Trish says:

    Oh Stacy–I’m sitting here crying at my desk for you. What a beautiful post–I can feel the love you have for your grandmother. Mine is 86 and I try not to think about the day when she’s no longer here. I so want my kids to know her! Hugs.

  10. Teddyree says:

    Oh Stacy, what a beautiful tribute to your grandmother, she sounds very special, I miss my darling gran very much. That’s such a beautiful photo of Gage and his great grandmother, you have so many wonderful memories to hold close. Hugs

  11. caspette says:

    I am so sorry for your loss. I miss my nana every day but thankfully my grandmother is still here. Gage will get to know her through stories you tell and memories you share. Big hugs.

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