The Women by Kristin Hannah

The Women by Kristin Hannah. Historical Fiction, 4.5 stars, 480 pages, 2024

Frankie enlists in the Army to serve as a nurse in the Vietnam War. What she finds there is not what she thought she was signing up for. And when she returns home she is repeatedly told, no women served in Vietnam.

I was completely drawn into first half of the book set in Vietnam. It was horrifying and, yet, purpose could be found and the bonds of friendship for a lifetime forged. The second half, once she returns home is equally heartbreaking and full of the shame and anger that the soldiers felt upon their return home.

My father was drafted and served in Vietnam. Although he rarely talks about the war itself, he does talk about how much disrespect they received once they were home.

The book is emotionally draining and I finished the 470 pages in less than 24 hours! It was addicting. Telling the story of women who saved lives in the Vietnam War is so important and I’m glad that it was done so well.

Some have complained about the end of book romance and I am mostly in agreement. I would have preferred that it was given its proper due or just left out altogether. But that didn’t spoil one bit of my enjoyment of the novel.

It seems to be the book of the season. Have you read it? What did you think?