Happy 2021! Goals and First Book

Happy New Year’s Eve everyone 🎉. Tis the season for reflection and thinking about what the new year could bring. 2020 has been a year of challenges, loss, and unexpected silver linings for many of us. I’m an only child who loves/needs to be around people and isolated by myself in equal measure. Having Jason and Gage home with me 24/7 since April has been a true blessing, but one that leaves me perpetually drained. My mantra of ‘just get through it’ isn’t something I want to carry over, even if the challenges of the pandemic do continue. So I’ve got two big things I want to do this year.

I’m calling my first goal #booked365. I’m going to read a book a day and post them daily on Instagram. I’ll most likely post here every few days. There is a caveat. Because my goal is not to be anti-social I might throw in a movie based on a book on the days when we need family snuggle time on the couch for a few hours. Figuring in at least a once a week movie that still leaves over 300 books. Is this even possible? I think so. Gage and I read at least 2-4 books together a week and those will count, but it will still be a good personal challenge. And for those weeks that are hard I can sit back and watch a movie based on something I’ve read. I’m looking forward this bookish year.

My second goal is very cliche as far as resolutions go, but it’s to lose 50 pounds by the time I turn 50 in October. A few weeks ago, during a sleepless night, I joined #noom with that goal in mind and I’m already down 5 pounds. I’m still a newbie but it did help me get down to root inspiration for my goal and having that front and center has helped. Losing a lot of weight is rarely (if ever?) just about looking better in a pair of jeans and it’s no surprise after some reflection and work on the noom lessons that my inspiration has to do with the little man who needs me to live forever.

I’m so excited that Sheila continues to do this every year. When I read Untamed by Glennon Doyle last week there was a chapter about racism and white women’s role in it that struck a cord with me. So much so that when I was going through my possible first book of the year choices this one called my name. See if you can find me! I’m also representing my Buckeyes who are playing in the Sugar Bowl tonight 🙂