The Peach Keeper by Sarah Addison Allen, I’m all caught up :(

The Peach KeeperThe Peach Keeper.Finished audio 3-25-13. 4 stars, pub. 2011

Unabridged audio 7 hours, 35 minutes. Read by Karen White who did an excellent job.

When I read Allen’s first novel, Garden Spells, I fell in love with this writer who embodies lightness and magical realism in such a beautiful way.  I love the southern charm and those moments of the supernatural in her books.  I always finish satisfied.  Once I got past that expectation I enjoyed the book for what it was, a great story of friendship among women, from one generation to the next.  Some of the whimsy was missing, but only missing because I expected it.

Wall of Water, North Carolina, is home to Willa, Paxton, and Sebastian.  Though none of them were friends in high school, Paxton and Sebastian are inseparable now.  Willa own her own store and lives a happy but quiet life.  When Paxton restores the Blue Ridge Madam, an old home important to Willa’s family, it brings a mystery that leads them both to their grandmothers, looking for answers.

I loved the friendship that forms between Willa and Paxton, much like the one their grandmothers shared many years ago.  By the end of the book I was ready to look up some of my friends from high school to see if we could be BFFs again.  I also loved how the story showed how much where and how we grow up influences who we are as adults, and not just in the obvious ways.  I moved away from home when I went to college and, except for a 5 month pit stop after I graduated, I’ve never moved back.  So, I understood when Paxton’s brother didn’t want to move back to Wall of Water, afraid he’d forever be labelled ‘Stick Man’.  And Paxton, who had never lived anywhere else, lived the opposite life, always struggling with the expectations placed on her.  There was was much to like about this story.

SAA delivers once again.  She can’t write fast enough for her fans 🙂

25 thoughts on “The Peach Keeper by Sarah Addison Allen, I’m all caught up :(

  1. Sandy says:

    I am like the one person on earth who is not in love with these books. I feel bad about it even! Garden Spells turned me off completely, and I’m not sure if it was the character herself or the depiction of her on audio. The Peach Keeper didn’t affect me quite as bad, but it wasn’t love either. The magical realism part of it didn’t bother me at all. *hanging head*

    • stacybuckeye says:

      I hate that! I always second guess myself when I really don’t ‘get’ a popular author. I spend more time wondering about it than appreciating the authors I love lots of times 🙂

  2. Mary says:

    I’m a big fan of SAA. I hope we don’t have to wait too long for her next book. I’m ready to disappear into the next world she creates 🙂

  3. Lloyd Russell says:

    You’re killing me with your positive reviews! Between (among?) ARC’s, local authors, national authors I’ve been reading for years, and friends’ recommendations, I have no time for more new authors – except how can I pass up something that you liked so much? A real conundrum.

    • stacybuckeye says:

      LOL! That’s the best part of blogging. You never catch up, only fall further behind. It’s okay, it’s a good thing to have an abundance of great books to discover.

  4. shelleyrae @ Book'd Out says:

    I still haven’t read this, even though i have been wanting to for a while! I love Allen’s writing

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