Women Who Won: 70 Extraordinary Women Who Reshaped Politics

Women Who Won by Ros Ball. 4.25 stars. YA Bios, 272 pages, 2023

Such an inspirational book. These are some amazing women! Geared to YA, but great for adults too.There are amazing women in here and reading their stories is powerful. Each woman had a portrait page and 2 pages of bio with addition room for sources used for each one. Loved it!

Though some disregarded her, she had an inner confidence, saying, ‘I’ve never underestimated myself. There’s nothing wrong with being ambitious.’ —Angela Merkel, chancellor of Germany

When asked what qualities have underpinned her leadership, Jacinda singled out being ‘really driven by empathy… when you think about all of the big challenges that we face in the world, that’s probably the quality we need the most’. —Jacinda Arden, prime minister of New Zealand

“I hear it all the time, it changed everything…Women thought, if she can, I can.” —Vigdis Finnbogadottir, president of Iceland

And, since I’m reading these stories, some showing how fragile democracy can be, this has been the most powerful statement so far by a woman whose own husband was killed by the previous president…

Cory served only one term, and, when President Fidel Ramos took over, Cory said it was ‘one of the proudest moments of my life… This was what my husband had died for… This moment is democracy’s glory: the peaceful transfer of power without bloodshed, in strict accordance with law.’ —Corazon Aquino, president of the Philippines

Agathe Uwilingiyimana, in 1993 became 1st woman to serve as prime minister of Rwanda. She was raped and killed along with her husband in their own home by Hutu soldiers.

Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya, Belarus. Her story is ongoing. Look her up and push back on anyone still romanticizing dictators.

Constance Markievicz, in 1918 was the 1st woman elected to British Parliament. She was elected from jail! And refused to swear allegiance to the king. What a story she has.

Diane Abbott, in 1987 she was the 1st black woman to be elected to the Uk House of Commons. “The thing that enabled me to go further and higher was entirely my education. Education is a liberating force.”

Berta Pipina, in 1941 she was the 1st woman elected to the Latvian Saeima. There was a coup from an authoritarian regime and she was sent to a Siberian gulag where she died. Between 1930-1953 1.5 million died in those Soviet camps.

Golda Meir, in 1969 she was the 1st woman elected prime minister of Israel. “There is a type of woman who cannot let her husband and children narrow her horizon.”

Dilma Rousseff, in 2011 she was the 1st woman to serve as president of Brazil. “The fact that I was the first woman president was a factor in what happened to me…I think it will be easier for the next woman president.”

Lessons- don’t vote for anyone who has attempted a coup, don’t vote for anyone calling for violence for political opponents, don’t vote for anyone who doesn’t think you have autonomy over your own body. And, if you’re living in one of the 70% of countries that have still have only been run by men, go forth and elect women.

Oath and Honor by Liz Cheney

Oath and Honor: A Memoir and a Warning by Liz Cheney, 4/5 stars (but everyone should still read it), Memoir, 372 pages, 2023

I’m not a Republican. I’m not a Democrat. Until Liz Cheney, third in Republican Party leadership, stood up for truth unlike the vast majority of her party, I would have considered my view of her to be negative. But when a woman has the courage that Liz has shown, I respect her. Her work on the January 6th Committee was such a show of intelligence, strength and resolve. In this book she tells the story of the 2020 election from day one through what’s happening in our country right now.

This is the story of the moment when American democracy began to unravel. It is the story of the men and women who fought to save it, and of the enablers and collaborators whose actions ensured the threat would grown and metastasize. It is the story of the most dangerous man to inhabit the Oval office, and of the many steps he took to subvert our Constitution.

Since 1797, when George Washington voluntarily handed the power of the presidency to John Adams, every American president has fulfilled his solemn obligation to guarantee the peaceful transfer of power- until Donald Trump. (first paragraghs)

This is will be hard for Republicans to read, but those Republicans who rely on Fox News and other far right media are the ones who need to read it most. One of the more conservative of her party she was shown the door because she refused to stand for Trump’s election lies. They all knew it and she brings the receipts.

How we got to this point where a majority of Republicans believe the stolen election lies is frustrating. I encourage everyone to read this book because democracy really is on the ballot in the next election.

“If Trump is on the ballot, the 2024 election will not just be about inflation, or budget deficits, or national security, or any of the many critical issues we Americans normally face. We will be voting on whether to preserve our republic. As a nation, we can endure damaging policies for a four-year term. But we cannot survive a president willing to terminate our Constitution.

…This is more important than partisan politics. Every one of us-Republican, Democrat, Independent- must work and vote together to ensure that Donald Trump and those who have appeased, enabled, and collaborated with him are defeated.” (closing paragraphs)

A few thoughts I had while reading. You can listen to someone you disagree with. Cheney is reporting facts and opinions in this book. I can appreciate her first hand knowledge on what was happening in Congress at the time (fact), but still disagree with her love for Ronald Reagan (opinion). Just as I can dislike Dick Cheney as a politician, but love him as a supportive father for her during this time. Just as Cheney said this about Speaker Nancy Pelosi, “She did not try to micromanage the work of the January 6th Committee, but she was there whenever we needed her. And over the next 18 months, every time I went to her with a concern, a proposed approach, or a request that she intervene with Democrats to help guide things in the right direction, she backed me up. Every time. A relationship that had been unimaginable just a few months earlier would now become indispensable.” (p 201)

I think everyone should read it, especially if you didn’t watch the January 6 public presentations, which are still to be found on YouTube 🙂 The people that helped sell the lie are still in Congress and waiting to aid and abet once again if called upon.