The Sun Down Motel by Simone St. James

The Sun Down Motel. 4.5/5 stars, thriller, 327 pages, 2020

The secrets lurking in a rundown roadside motel ensnare a young woman, just as they did her aunt thirty-five years before, in this new atmospheric suspense novel from the national bestselling and award-winning author of The Broken Girls.

Upstate NY, 1982. Every small town like Fell, New York, has a place like the Sun Down Motel. Some customers are from out of town, passing through on their way to someplace better. Some are locals, trying to hide their secrets. Viv Delaney works as the night clerk to pay for her move to New York City. But something isn’t right at the Sun Down, and before long she’s determined to uncover all of the secrets hidden…

There is a creepy, sinister, and forgotten feeling you get when reading about Fell, NY and The Sun Down Hotel. There are ghosts, killers, and missing and murdered girls. The book is a whole vibe.

One storyline is about Viv in 1982 and the second is about her niece Carly in 2017. Lots of parallels and mystery that will keep you reading. There are even a few boys!

I didn’t love this one at first, but it didn’t take me long to be hooked. I listened to the audio and Brittany Pressley and Kirsten Potter took turns narrating.

I loved Broken Girls last year and loved this one too, so I guess I have another author to read!

“The person who could be truly alone, in the company of no one but oneself and one’s own thoughts—that person was stronger than anyone else.”

“I put my book down, finding a Post-it note to use as a bookmark, because folding the corner of a page—even in a thirty-year-old book—is sacrilege.”

5 thoughts on “The Sun Down Motel by Simone St. James

  1. les13scher says:

    I’ll have to give this one a try. I love thrillers, but don’t read them as often as general fiction. Love the two quotes you shared.

  2. kaysreadinglife says:

    I read this one maybe 2 or 3 years ago and liked it. I also can recommend The Book Of Cold Cases by this author. I think my favorite is still The Broken Girls. I didn’t like Murder Road as well. Hope you enjoy others you might read by her.

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