This Week – S’more Good Books

This beatiful Cleveland fall weather has allowed us to indulge in fun things like making a fire just so Gage and his friend could make proper s’mores. Next up, corn mazes!

I’ve taken lots of morning walks after dropping Gage off after school this week, so lots of audio book time. I finished the latest in the Amos Decker series, Long Shadows, and posted about the series as my first entry into my Top 100 lists. I also listened to Hello Stranger by Katherine Center (post up tomorrow) and am currently listening to a Jack Reacher book. I LOVE long walks in September and October, so audio books will be my thing for a bit.

I went to the school’s first PAC meeting. I can’t tell you how nice it’s been to take a supporting role in Gage’s education and my parent participation at the school. A few years ago I would have been all over taking charge some of the projects, but this time I sat back and offered support. I’m learning to chill a bit, but I’m still a work in progress 🙂

Jason and I are finializing our 25th anniversary quick getaway next month and I planned Gage’s birthday excursion to Kalahari with a friend. And I’m working on the library book sale for next month. We had a board meeting this week and I still have library stuff to get done. October is my favorite month, but always so busy.

Books Read

Finished 5, 194 for the year


I posted about David Baldacci’s Amos Decker series here.

Book review of The Enchanted Hacienda by JC Cervantes here. I loved it!

I posted about the 3 picture books on IG here.

Currently reading


We’ve been watching Harlan Coben’s Shelter series on Amazon. Jason and I are really enjoying it.

Plans for the weekend

A trip to the library to freshen our ongoing sale. Waiting to see if Jason will win the pickleball tournament he’s playing in today. A few trips to Little Free Libraries to distribute books.

What do you have planned for the day?