The Enchanted Hacienda

The Enchanted Hacienda by JC Cervantes. 4.5 stars. Magical realism. 368 pages, 2023

I’m a sucker for all things magical realism. This was the perfect book at the perfect time. I love when that happens! It was magical, romantic, and fun.

The Estrada women are tied to their Mexican flower farm. Each one of them, for generations, has been born with special powers and the ability to help others through spells, like erasing memories or bonding to another person. Harlow didn’t have any such gift and always felt like the odd one out. When she goes home to regroup after a breakup she finds the magic she’s been looking for her whole life.

There are lots of women in this family and something tells me we might see more of these women in the future. I can’t wait!

This was one of three books in my quarterly TBR box from Book Riot and the second I’ve read so far. I always like care they use when choosing my books and, of course, I love the element of surprise that the box brings when I see it on my doorstep.